Participants are invited to submit
posters and research demos to HPCC 2016. HPCC 2016 (High Performance
Computing and Communications)
is created to provide a prime international forum for both researchers,
industry practitioners and environment experts to exchange the latest
fundamental advances in the state of the art and practice of High
Performance Computing and Communications as well as joint-venture and synergic
research and development across various related areas. Topics of interest for
posters and demos include, but not limited to:
Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to:
1. Parallel and distributed system architectures
2. Languages and compilers for high performance computing
3. Parallel and distributed software technologies
4. Parallel and distributed algorithms
5. Embedded systems
6. Peer-to-peer computing
7. Grid and cluster computing
8. Web services and Internet computing
9. Cloud computing, Utility computing
10. Big Data, Data Science, Data Analytics,
Business Analytics on HPC
11. Performance evaluation and measurement
12. Tools and environments for software development
13. Distributed systems and applications
14. High-performance scientific and engineering computing
15. Database applications and data mining
16. Biological/molecular computing
17. Collaborative and cooperative environments
18. Mobile computing and wireless communications
19. Computer Networks
20. Telecommunications
21. Pervasive/ubiquitous computing and intelligence
22. Autonomic, reliability and fault-tolerance
23. Trust, security and privacy
Two types of posters and demos:
1. Proceedings published posters
and demos: Submission is a 2-page short paper describing the post/demo
content, research, relevance and importance to High Performance
Computing and Communications or related
topics. If accepted, the 2-page short paper will be published in the
main conference proceedings together with regular research papers. Each
accepted poster or demo must register to the main conference with full
2. Web published posters and
demos: Submission is a 1-page extended abstract. Such posters/demos will
not be included in the conference proceedings, but will be published on
the conference website.
Both types of posters/demos will
be displayed during the conference.
Please email your posters/demos to with the email subject
as "HPCC 2016 poster demo submission".
Vinh Tung Le, University of
Technology Sydney, Australia
Rajiv Ranjan, Newcastle University,
Important Dates:
Deadline for proceedings published
posters/demos: 5
October 2016(11:59pm HST)
Notification of Acceptance:
October 2016
Final versions of proceeding
published posters/demos: 15 October 2016
Deadline for web published
posters/demos: 30 October 2016